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Use Filters to Keep Your Home's Water Safe

Water is a constant in our lives. Every day, we need water for cleaning ourselves and our clothing. We also use it to keep our food clean, to prepare meals and, of course, to drink.

Given the importance water plays in our lives on a regular basis, it’s only natural that you’d want the highest quality possible. Fortunately, modern technology can help meet these demands and at an affordable price.

Installing a Water Filter

For getting clean water right out of the tap, use filters on any faucets you plan on drinking from. Obviously, your kitchen sink is the most obvious choice. While there are many types to choose from these days, a reverse osmosis water filter is going to be the best investment you can make.

Studies have proven that using this method is the most economical available, typically removing well over 90% of all contaminates in drinking water. A lot of times, that number can get as high as 99%. In fact, the membranes on these filters are so tight that any organics over 300 Daltons in molecular weight won’t get through. Practically all bacteria and other particles will get stuck as well.

Reverse osmosis is also the preferred method of filtration of commercial water bottling companies. The technology behind this type of water filter is actually quite ingenious. Osmosis occurs when a semi-permeable membrane separates solutions of two different concentrations. Osmotic pressure can drive water through the membrane, which then dilutes the more concentrated of the solutions. As a result, equilibrium is achieved.

Reverse osmosis filters use the opposite action. This type of water treatment works by applying hydraulic pressure to the concentrated solution, thereby counteracting the osmotic pressure. Faucets, therefore, produce cleaner water because only the purest form is driven out of the concentrated solution, to be collected at the end of the membrane.

Keep in mind that reverse osmosis require storage tanks, so that your faucets can provide water on demand. Otherwise, this form of water treatment would be too slow to be considered practical.

Changing Water Filters

With a reverse osmosis water treatment plan, you should be changing your filter once a year. However, the more faucets that are connected to your storage tank, the more water that will get used and thus the more frequently you’ll need to change it.

Usually, water softeners will need to be added to your tank once every eight weeks. It’s difficult, though, to know how much and when you’ll have to add recommended water softeners because it will depend on how often your tank regenerates.

If you want to be sure your home is getting soft water, though, just check the tank and make sure there is water showing just above the salt. Whenever the level is well over the salt, it’s time to add water softeners. Obviously, I you notice you’re no longer getting soft water, that’s a good sign that it’s time to act.

Maintaining Soft Water

Aside from the drinking water you want from your faucets, you also want water treatment to work in your showers too. Without soft water, your soap won’t lather. A lack of soft water is also how you get showers that are caked in calcium buildup.

Once again, modern technology is here to help. Water softeners can be applied to just about any home. These water treatment solutions virtually guarantee that calcium and magnesium are kept at bay. As a result, water softeners give you better water for cleaning yourself and your clothes, while your home and sinks look better too.

Keeping the water in your home soft and safe needs to be a priority for everyone. The good news is that doing so has never been easier or more affordable. Contact Parker & Sons today for an estimate.

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