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Get AC in Your Garage

If you're thinking about installing an AC in your garage, chances are you're seeking a sanctuary from the sweltering heat of summer or a cozy corner to continue your work during the chilly winter months. Let us guide you through the seemingly complex task of selecting the ideal AC system for your garage, offering straightforward advice on the best types for your space.

Key Takeaways

  • Installing an air conditioner in your garage is essential for keeping a pleasant temperature, safeguarding your possessions, and creating a safe space by reducing health risks such as heatstroke, dehydration, and exposure to dangerous gases.

  • Assessing factors like the size of your garage, the effectiveness of your insulation, the design of your current ventilation, and the overall architectural layout is paramount when choosing the most appropriate air conditioning system. This decision will impact whether you go for mini-split systems, window air conditioners, portable air conditioners, or through-the-wall air conditioning units.

  • To maximize garage air conditioner efficiency, it is essential to select a unit with the appropriate BTU output, consider energy efficiency ratings, and ensure proper ongoing maintenance and professional installation.

Understanding the Need for Garage Air Conditioning

Your garage is more than just a shelter for your vehicles. It can serve as your personal workspace, a storage area for your belongings, or even a recreational room. However, extreme temperatures can make your garage uncomfortable and potentially hazardous. A carefully selected air conditioning unit can elevate your garage into a year-round sanctuary, regardless of the climatic conditions outdoors.

Temperature Control

Maintaining a consistent temperature in your garage is crucial for protecting your belongings and ensuring a conducive environment for your activities. Whether you’re working on a DIY project or just chilling in your new rec room, a garage air conditioner can help you maintain your desired temperature.

By minimizing humidity and providing a cool environment, air conditioning units help keep your garage comfortable all year round.

Health and Safety

Health and safety shouldn’t be compromised even when you’re in your garage. A non-air-conditioned garage can lead to various health hazards, including heatstroke, dehydration, and exposure to harmful fumes.

Moreover, poor ventilation can lead to the buildup of mold, posing significant health risks. An air-conditioned garage can help mitigate these risks, providing a safer environment for you and your family.

Evaluating Your Garage Space and Cooling Needs

Before you rush to purchase a garage air conditioner, it’s critical to evaluate your garage space and cooling needs. When determining the right air conditioning system for your garage, consider key factors such as the garage's dimensions, its design, and the effectiveness of its insulation and ventilation. These elements are instrumental in deciding the size and type of air conditioner that will best meet your cooling requirements.

Size and Layout

The size and layout of your garage can significantly impact your air conditioning needs. A larger garage will require a more powerful air conditioner to efficiently cool the increased volume of air. Conversely, a smaller garage may not need a high-capacity air conditioner.

In addition to size, the layout of your garage, including the orientation, location of windows and doors, can affect the heat influx and therefore, the cooling requirements.

Insulation and Ventilation

Proper insulation and ventilation in your garage are as important as the air conditioner itself. Effective insulation can help maintain a consistent garage temperature, minimize energy waste, and providing a sound barrier.

Good ventilation is crucial to ensure proper air flow, prevent heat buildup, and maintain high-quality indoor air. These factors are essential as they greatly influence how well your air conditioning unit can distribute cool air and prevent heat from accumulating.

Comparing Types of Garage Air Conditioners

Now that you’ve evaluated your garage space and cooling needs, it’s time to compare different types of garage air conditioners. Here are some options to consider:

  1. Mini-split systems

  2. Window units

  3. Portable units

  4. Through-the-wall units

Each type of air conditioner has its pros and cons. The best one for you will depend on your specific needs and preferences.

Mini-Split Systems

Mini-split systems are a popular choice for garage air conditioners due to their energy efficiency, quiet operation, and long lifespan. These systems consist of an indoor unit that is connected to an outdoor unit, eliminating the need for ductwork. However, they come with a higher cost and typically require professional installation, so they may not be the best option for everyone.

Window Units

Window units are another option for garage air conditioning. They are relatively affordable and easy to install, making them a popular choice for many homeowners. However, they can be noisy and may not be suitable for all window types. Additionally, they might not provide sufficient cooling for larger garages.

Portable Units

If you’re looking for flexibility and easy installation, a portable air conditioner, also known as a portable ac unit, might be the way to go. These portable air conditioners can be moved around as needed and do not require permanent installation. However, they are best suited for smaller garages as they may not provide sufficient cooling for larger spaces.

Through-the-Wall Units

Through-the-wall units are another option for garage air conditioning. These units offer the following benefits:

  • Energy-efficient

  • Space-saving

  • More cost-effective compared to mini-split systems

  • Help insulate the garage, retaining cold air

However, they do require a hole to be drilled in the wall for installation. Overall, through-the-wall units are an efficient choice for garage environments.

Key Features to Look for in a Garage Air Conditioner

When shopping for a garage air conditioner, there are several key features to consider:

  • BTU output: determines the cooling capacity of the air conditioner

  • Energy efficiency ratings: can help you choose a unit that will save energy and reduce costs

  • Additional functionalities: can enhance the convenience and versatility of the unit

BTU Output

The British Thermal Unit (BTU) output is a critical factor in choosing a garage air conditioner. It determines the cooling capacity of an air conditioner, which should be matched to the size and layout of your garage. A unit with a higher BTU output will be able to cool a larger space more quickly, but it may also consume more energy.

Therefore, it’s crucial to choose a unit with a BTU output that is suitable for your garage size to ensure energy efficiency.

Energy Efficiency Ratings

Energy efficiency ratings, such as EER, SEER, and CEER, can help you choose an air conditioner that will save energy and reduce costs. These ratings indicate how efficiently the unit converts electrical energy into cooling power. A unit with a higher rating will consume less electricity for the same cooling output, which can lead to significant savings on your energy bills over time.

Additional Functionalities

Additional functionalities, such as remote control, heating capabilities, and smart features, can enhance the convenience and versatility of your garage air conditioner. Here are some benefits of each:

  • A unit with a remote control allows you to adjust the temperature and fan speed from a distance.

  • A unit with heating capabilities can provide warmth during the winter months.

  • Smart features can improve climate control, offer energy-saving capabilities, and allow you to control and schedule your AC unit from your smart device.

Top Garage Air Conditioner Recommendations

Now that you’re familiar with the different types of garage air conditioners and the key features to look for, let’s take a look at some top recommendations for garage air conditioners. These recommendations cover the top choices for a mini-split system, window air conditioner, and portable AC, catering to a variety of needs and preferences.

Best Mini-Split System

For those in search of efficient cooling and heating capabilities, the Senville 24,000 BTU unit is a top-notch mini-split cooling system. This system offers:

  • High energy efficiency

  • Quiet operation

  • Built-in dehumidifier

  • Turbo mode

  • Sleep mode

Whether your garage is your workspace or your relaxation space, this garage door unit quiet ensures comfort year round.

Best Window Unit

If you’re considering a window unit for your garage, the LG 14,000 BTU model is a great option. This unit comes with:

  • Voice control

  • Flexible installation options

  • High cooling output, making it ideal for larger garages

  • Energy efficiency rating of 4.3 out of 5 stars, ensuring you’ll save on energy costs.

Best Portable Unit

For those seeking flexibility and easy installation, the Whynter 14,000 BTU portable unit is an excellent choice. This unit offers cooling, heating, and dehumidifying functions, making it a versatile option for different garage sizes. However, keep in mind that the actual cooling capacity may vary from the advertised capacity, which can impact its performance in your garage.

Tips for Maximizing Garage Air Conditioner Efficiency

Once you’ve chosen your ideal garage air conditioner, it’s important to know how to maximize its efficiency. This will help you get the most out of your unit while reducing energy consumption and costs.

These tips include regular maintenance and proper installation.

Regular Maintenance

Regular maintenance is key to ensuring your garage air conditioner operates at peak efficiency. This includes cleaning the filters, checking for leaks, and scheduling routine maintenance.

By keeping your unit in good condition, you can help prevent performance issues, save energy, and extend the lifespan of your air conditioner.

Proper Installation

Proper installation is crucial for maximizing the performance and efficiency of your garage air conditioner. This includes choosing the right size of unit for your garage, ensuring the unit is installed correctly, and optimizing the placement of the unit for efficient cooling. Improper installation can lead to reduced efficiency, increased energy consumption, and potential damage to the unit. Therefore, it’s recommended to hire a professional for the installation process.

Call Parker & Sons for Garage AC Installation

When it comes to installing your garage air conditioner, hiring a professional can ensure optimal performance, efficiency, and safety. With 50 years in the business, Parker & Sons is a trusted provider of garage AC installation services, offering professional installation for all brands and types of air conditioning systems. We ensure optimal performance, efficiency, and safety for garage AC installations through meticulous evaluation of insulation levels, ensuring proper airflow, and strict adherence to HVAC safety best practices.

Give us a call today and transform your garage into a comfortable and safe haven!


In conclusion, garage air conditioning is a game-changer for those who spend time in their garages, whether for work, hobbies, or leisure activities. It provides comfort, health, and safety benefits that are hard to ignore. With a range of options available, from mini-split systems to window units, portable units, and through-the-wall units, there’s an air conditioner out there that fits your specific garage needs and preferences. Remember, proper maintenance and installation are key to maximizing the efficiency and lifespan of your unit. So, why wait? It’s time to transform your garage into the cool, comfortable space you deserve!

Frequently Asked Questions

Can you put an AC in a garage?

Yes, you can put an AC in a garage. Consider getting a through-the-wall or window unit, which are both viable options for cooling the space.

What is the cheapest way to air condition a garage?

The cheapest way to air condition a garage is by allowing hot air to escape through open doors or windows, creating airflow to keep the temperature cool. Additionally, a window AC unit is an affordable and efficient option for cooling the space.

Will a portable AC work in a garage?

Yes, a portable air conditioner can work in a garage, but it may not be easy and you might encounter issues even with the correct BTU. But it can still help keep the garage cool and comfortable in hot and humid conditions.

What type of AC is best for garage?

A ductless mini split AC unit is the best choice for a garage because it is very energy efficient and eliminates energy loss concerns, especially in garages without windows. Choose a mini split for optimal performance.

What is the significance of BTU output in air conditioning units?

The BTU output in air conditioning units is crucial for effectively removing heat from indoor air to maintain a comfortable temperature. A higher BTU rating indicates a greater cooling capacity for larger spaces or faster cooling.

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