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Maximize Home Comfort: The Benefits of Installing a Second AC Unit

Deciding on a second AC unit? In warm areas like Arizona, the benefits are clear: more even cooling, reduced strain on your primary AC, and potentially lower energy bills. Our comprehensive guide will explore these advantages and help you make an informed choice on whether a second unit is right for your home.

Key Takeaways

  • Adding a second AC unit can prevent overworking a single system, improve overall efficiency, and keep your home evenly cool—especially if you live in Arizona.

  • Installing an additional AC unit is a technical task: you’ll need to check your ducts, figure out the right capacity, possibly upgrade your electrical system, and thoughtfully place both indoor and outdoor units for best results.

  • Adding a second AC unit is an investment that brings long-term savings on energy bills, offers zoned cooling, and ensures comfort during challenging seasons.

Deciding Whether You Need a Second AC Unit

In the sweltering heat of Arizona, a single AC unit might struggle to maintain optimal comfort. Your home might feel like the outside desert, despite your air conditioner running full blast. This is where a second AC unit can truly make a difference.

Adding a second AC unit has several benefits:

  • It doubles the cooling power, ensuring that both the first and second floors of your house are equally cool.

  • It enhances the efficiency of your air conditioning system, reducing the strain on a single unit and prolonging its lifespan.

  • It prevents your sole AC unit from being pushed to its limit, ensuring that it operates more effectively and efficiently.

Considering the extreme temperatures in Arizona, the benefits of installing a second AC unit extend beyond just comfort. It’s about creating a livable environment where you can relax and enjoy your home, no matter how hot it gets outside.

So, if you’re tired of your home feeling like a sauna during the summer, a second AC unit might be just what you need to maintain a comfortable home this summer.

The Ins and Outs of Adding an Additional AC Unit

Installing a second AC unit/heat pump is not just a simple case of “plug and play”. There are several factors to consider to ensure that the new unit complements your existing HVAC system and delivers the promised comfort.

Firstly, your home’s existing ducts need to be evaluated for leaks or obstructions. Remember, efficient air flow is crucial for optimal AC performance. An AC unit, along with its evaporator coil, is only as good as the ducts that deliver the cool air to your rooms.

Determining the right cooling capacity for the new AC unit is another critical step. You wouldn’t want an underpowered unit that struggles to cool your space or an oversized one that wastes energy. A professional assessment will help you choose a unit that suits your home’s unique needs, ensuring system compatibility and efficient cooling.

Also, remember that a second AC unit means an additional load on your electrical system. Upgrading your circuit breaker might be necessary to handle this extra load. While this can incur additional costs, it’s a crucial step toward ensuring your system’s safety and reliability.

Lastly, if you live in an older home, don’t worry! Adding central air conditioning is still feasible. It might require specific steps and considerations to ensure compatibility and efficiency, but with the right expertise, you can enjoy the comfort of a modern air conditioning system in your charming, old home.

Strategic Placement for Optimal Efficiency

The placement of your second AC unit can significantly influence its efficiency. But where should you place the units for optimal performance? Here are some strategic guidelines to follow.

Outdoor AC units perform best when placed on the north or east sides of your home. These locations expose them to less direct sunlight, reducing their workload and enhancing performance. Remember, a cooler unit is a more efficient unit.

Ensure there’s adequate clearance around your outdoor AC units. Avoid placing them too close to vegetation, as debris can interfere with the unit’s operation. Also, consider using barriers to prevent pets from tampering with the units. A little space can go a long way in ensuring your AC units work efficiently and last longer.

Noise levels are another factor to keep in mind. Opt for AC units with low noise levels, and position outdoor units away from relaxation and entertainment areas. After all, you wouldn’t want the hum of your AC unit interrupting your quiet moments or spoiling your backyard parties.

As for the indoor unit, also known as the air handler, a central location is ideal for both condensing units and air handlers. This reduces the need for extensive ductwork and improves overall system efficiency. Plus, it ensures the unit is easily accessible for routine maintenance, saving you time and effort in the long run.

Cost Implications and Energy Savings

The cost of installing a second AC unit can vary, but it’s an investment that can pay off in the long run. Hiring an AC professional to install a second air conditioning system can vary. This includes additional equipment such as condensers, ductwork, and thermostats.

But it’s not just about the upfront costs. Energy efficiency is where you can see the benefits of a second AC unit. High SEER-rated energy-efficient AC units can lead to significant cost savings in the long run.

The ability to cool specific zones as needed is another advantage of having a second AC unit. With two units, you can cool only occupied areas, reducing the energy required to cool the entire house. This zone system approach can lead to potential energy cost savings.

For those on a budget, 14 SEER air conditioners are a cost-effective option. These units offer a balance of cost-efficiency and performance, making them an excellent option for homeowners looking to save money without compromising on comfort.

In essence, installing a second AC unit can be seen as an investment. While there are upfront costs involved, the long-term energy savings and enhanced comfort make it a worthwhile consideration.

Preparing Your Home for Monsoon Season with Dual Cooling Systems

Arizona’s monsoon season brings a unique set of challenges. The high humidity and frequent temperature fluctuations can make it uncomfortable indoors. But with a dual AC system, you can ensure consistent indoor cooling, no matter the weather outside.

A secondary AC system can provide reliable climate control during the monsoon season. It can counter the uncomfortable effects of high humidity and ensure a consistent indoor environment. So, even when the weather is unpredictable, your home’s comfort level remains steady.

Interestingly, the rain during the monsoon season can aid the efficiency of outdoor AC units. It assists in dissipating heat from the unit, enhancing the cooling performance. So, while the monsoon might seem like a challenge, it can actually be a boon for your AC system.

Moreover, outdoor air conditioning units are designed to withstand monsoon weather. They continue operating effectively through the season, ensuring that your home remains a haven of comfort, even in the heart of monsoon season.

How Parker & Sons Can Help

Considering a second AC unit for your home? Parker & Sons is here to help. Our Trust Certified® technicians specialize in helping Arizona homeowners find the most suitable air conditioning system for your specific needs. We ensure that each secondary AC unit installation is tailored to both your home’s requirements and the unique climate challenges of Arizona.

Call today to schedule an appointment with our team! Benefit from our expertise in AC system evaluation and installation. We offer a supportive experience and ensure your home is equipped with the best AC solution before summer rolls in.


In conclusion, a second AC unit can be a game-changer for homeowners in Arizona, particularly during the extreme heat. It can enhance comfort, improve energy efficiency, and ensure consistent indoor cooling. With Parker & Sons, you can navigate the process with ease, ensuring your home has the best cooling solution tailored to its unique needs.

Frequently Asked Questions

Does a 2 story house need 2 AC units?

Yes, a 2 story house will often require one AC unit per floor to evenly cool both levels. The warm air rising from downstairs can make the upstairs much hotter.

What are the two AC units called?

The two AC units are called a Split Air Conditioner. It consists of an indoor unit and an outdoor unit, and is favored for its slim design and remote control. So, it's a popular choice for many.

Can a house have 2 AC units?

Yes, a house can have 2 AC units, but running both simultaneously can increase energy usage compared to running a single unit. It's important to consider the impact on energy consumption and potential savings.

How much does it cost to add a 2nd AC unit?

The cost of adding a 2nd AC unit varies based on the installation requirements and the type of unit you choose. It's best to get a quote from a professional based on your specific needs.

Why would I need a second AC unit?

Having a second AC unit can make a big difference in your comfort, especially during extremely hot weather or the monsoon season in Arizona. It also helps improve efficiency and extends the lifespan of your AC system.

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